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The Institution of Professional Myanmar Technological University is also operated as IQY University (IQY Technical University)  as well as International Institute of The Institute of Professional Engineers Myanmar, Member of International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES-USA)               

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The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar (IPEM) is an International Professional Association representing Myanmar Engineers and Engineering Friends of Myanmar. It is Member of International Federation of Engineering Education Societies-(IFEES -USA) and co-operates with Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists and The Society of Professional Engineers International.

IPEM also administers Engineers Groups, Engineering Contractor Groups and Engineering Job Groups.

IPEM also delegates its education and training tasks to The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar Technological University.

By integrating academic and theory training and employment services, the graduates of The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar Technological University can secure the employment which is the aim of the pursuing the education and training.


Academic Information

Practical Training

Graduate Professional Engineer Traininbg

Professional Engineer Training


Advertisement and Announcement

Location and Contact


Employment Service and Engineer Groups



Teaching Programs

The teaching programs of IPEM Technological University are largely based on partnered institutions including  IQY Technical College, STC Technological University ,St Clements University Myanmar College and SCPU School of Engineering Switzerland.

IPEM Technological University issues Engineering and Non Engineering degrees.

Bachelor of Engineering Degree issued by IPEM Technological University is recognized by Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists.


Legitimacy of operation and academic partners

IPEM Technological University is operating within the framework of National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) endorsed by Myanmar Parliament (Hluttaw) in the area of Alternative Education.

In 2019 and 2020 when IPEM Technological University was  launched , there was no law in Myanmar to register private universities and tertiary education colleges.

The other self named private universities took the name of university to teach the degree courses of legitimate foreign universities and provide the facilitation of teaching tasks. Such practice is legal in Myanmar.

IPEM Technological university also does the same task as to other private universities by integrating, co-ordinating and representing the following legitimate foreign universities, colleges and professional associations.


·        St Clements University and STC Technological University (Governmental Registered in British West Indies)

·        St Clements Institute (Governmental Registered in Cambodia)

·        SCPU School of Engineering (Ecole de Ingenieurs SCPU)

(Governmental Registered in Switzerland)

·        IQY Technical College (Governmental Registered in Australia)

·        Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists (Governmental Registered in Singapore)

·        The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar NSW Australia Chapter (Governmental Registered in Australia)